Security for companies, factories and workshops

Good security is indispensable for any company to carry out its business and production activities. Professional, experienced and responsible guards are required to keep the safety of goods, machines, equipment and assets as well as the employees’ strict compliance with working rules and disciplines.

This service helps you organize, control and deploy the guards to perform professional measures and comprises of main tasks below:

Providing the security and safety of goods, assets, machines, equipment and other facilities to ensure the business and production activities are conducted with highest security in the best environment.


Monitoring and guiding all the employees to follow the working rules and disciplines and enhance the security for their companies, factories or workshops.

Checking, supervising and guiding vehicles and transport means to transport goods to and from the entrance or park at the designated place.

Regularly patrolling and preventing the thief of goods and assets, fighting, disturbance, strike, riot or other actions that may affect the safety of goods and assets or business and production activities at the target.

Controlling and examining fire safety equipment and tools; executing firefighting and rescue; being prepared for all the contingencies.

Implementing fire safety; coordinating with relevant agencies in dealing with any problems regarding the security at the target.

  Thanks to the experienced employees and well-trained guards, this service is absolutely the perfect civil security measure for your demands.